Building future cities, Now

Fora develops innovative coordination systems that open new pathways for residents to engage with city developments.

Fora represents the growing interests of global workers looking to live in the world in a different way. We see this group as one that can be harnessed to revolutionary effect in the way new cities are conceived, funded, managed - as well as who reaps the rewards of city growth.

Crowdfunding for City Builders

  • We work with the founders of new cities and city nodes to create incentive structures to attract and retain residents who have a vested interest in the success of their projects.

Coordination for Communities

  • We develop user-facing platforms built on principles of permissionless coordination to allow diverse groups of online individuals to make collective decisions such as where to go and how to allocate resources.

Connecting Networked Societies

  • We bridge the projects we work with to create new alliances of founders, government entities, and community leaders to accelerate the adoption of systems that better benefit the builders.